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PMC PLX9080 Module

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This page contains features, a description and specifications for the PMC PLX9080 module.


  • Single PMC (PCI Mezzanine Card)  module
  • PLX9080 PCI Master/Slave capabilities
  • DMA PCI Write/Read and Local Bus capabilities
  • Compatible with PMC Specification Rev. 2.0
  • 32 Kbytes NVRAM
  • Low voltage 3.3V logic
  • 80 pins User I/O connector

The PMC PLX9080 module is a single PMC module for general application according to CMS DAQ System.  It can be  Master or Target on PCI  bus. Reprogramming the FLEX10K50 chip on it from ALTERA provide possibilities of using the module in different applications.  One of them was as a DPM (Dual Port Memory) INPUT for testing the RDPM-P2 module build in CMS DAQ group at CERN. The PMC PLX9080 module will be used as DDU (Detector Dependent Unit) Emulator for prototype of CMS DAQ.


  • Compatibility - PMC Specification Rev.2.0
  • Memory Capacity - 32 Kbytes
  • DMA on PCI or Local Bus at 132 MB/s
  • Power Requirements - +5V / 300mA

  Last modified by me: 06 July 2000